“I want this evening and night to pass fast,” said four-year-old Stephania on the evening before her discharge from the hospital.
In a dress and boots, like princesses Elsa (Frozen), she celebrated the completion of an important stage of treatment.
Stephania received a pink scooter as a gift and is already waiting for the opportunity to try it. The girl loves cars and has a collection of toy cars at home!
Stephania had to leave her favorite toys, kindergarten, friends and move to the hospital. The reason is her blood cancer.
In spring 2021, Stephanie went to see a pediatrician because she had a fever. Her parents thought it was a usual cold. It turned out to be blood cancer.
Thanks to a bone marrow transplant performed at the Okhmatdyt hospital, Stefania has a chance to recover. Now she visits the hospital only for examinations and procedures.
She dreams of returning to her hometown and going to kindergarten again, where her friends are waiting for her.
You can bring the dreams of Stephania and other children who fight cancer to come true. Please, make a donation to help them.
У Віті рак клітин нервової системи. Після виписки з НДСЛ «Охматдит» він продовжує лікування у Західноукраїнському спеціалізованому дитячому медичному центрі.
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