
Every donation is crucial

22 April 2024

Tabletochki provided $257,810 of support in March

Thanks to our donors:

— Children received medicines and other medical supplies and underwent examinations at a total cost of $71,297. This support allows children to receive the necessary treatment despite the war and the resulting impoverishment of the population.

— $30,564 was allocated to supporting 7 Ukrainian hospitals, including purchasing medicines and single-use medical devices. In this way, we improve the capacity of children’s oncology departments and provide them with medicines that are not funded by the state.

— $22,266 was allocated to doctors’ internships and financial support within the program of support and continuous professional development of the medical personnel. 113 medics took part in the program’s activities in March. Supporting medical professionals remains our strategic project, despite the full-scale invasion, as they drive change in pediatric oncology.

— Tabletochki spent $23,786 on the Foundation’s palliative care program. We help families with terminally ill children live comfortably and without pain. We organize consultations with doctors and psychologists and classes with rehabilitators, provide medicines and other necessary care, and make their dreams come true.

— $6,673 was allocated to outpatient housing in Kyiv and Lviv for non-resident families who no longer need to stay in the hospital but should visit them often for procedures and tests. At this stage of treatment, the families are financially exhausted and cannot afford to rent their housing.

— Psychological assistance for children and their relatives costs $12,078. Cancer treatment is a constant stress, but professionals help families cope with it and find the strength to fight. We organize group and individual psychological counseling for parents and children.

— $10,368 was allocated to the Child Life program. During cancer treatment, children have to stay in the hospital for months and undergo many painful procedures. To endure this, as well as to grow and develop, they need positive emotions. That’s why we organize creative workshops, ceremonial hospital discharges, holidays, and gifts. Cancer cannot put childhood on hold.

— $6,562 — expenses for the development of the Ukrainian Bone Marrow Donor Registry, an important organization that helps to find donors in Ukraine and abroad. We support the registry’s work to increase children’s chances for a quick and successful bone marrow transplant. This method is used to treat many oncological and genetic diseases.

The Foundation’s expenses for raising funds to help children amounted to 16%, and administrative expenses amounted to 7,2%.

You can find a detailed financial report here.

Thank you for your unwavering support of children in the fight against cancer!

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