
Every donation is crucial

19 June 2024

Tabletochki provided $287,571 of support in May

Thanks to our donors:

— Children received medicines and other medical supplies and underwent examinations at a total cost of $88,191. The number of families under the care of this program is constantly growing. In May, there were 178 of them — the most significant number in the last two years. It shows the vulnerability of children battling two wars and the importance of your help.

— Seven hospitals received medicines and supplies worth $50,898. All this is to ensure that children receive the best possible diagnosis and treatment.

— The doctors attended conferences, seminars and training modules in Ukraine and abroad, learned English and received financial support. The cost of this program (141 participants in May) amounted to $23,078. It is our investment in improving the quality of treatment for children with cancer now and those who will get sick in the future.

— 37 families under the Foundation’s palliative care program received assistance worth $20,422. Medicines, care products, consultations with doctors and psychologists, classes with specially trained dogs, things for favorite hobbies — all this is designed to make the lives of families with terminally ill children as comfortable and painless as possible. Not all children can be cured, but all can be helped.

— $13,277 was spent on psychological assistance for children and their families. The number of beneficiaries of this program is also constantly growing, as families are experiencing severe stress due to the war and the fight for their children’s lives. In May, our psychologists helped 115 families cope with difficult experiences.

— $10,845 was allocated to the Child Life program. Psycho-emotional support for children who spend many months in the hospital, cut off from their familiar surroundings, and unable to do their favorite things is another critical area of the Foundation’s work. We organize holidays in oncology departments, ceremonial discharges, creative workshops, and gifts to help children remain children despite the circumstances.

The Foundation’s expenses for raising funds to help children amounted to 12%, and administrative expenses amounted to 6,2%.

You bought $20,493 worth of gifts in our special Mother’s Day shop in May. They will be used to purchase medicines and other things necessary for recovery. You have also completed raising $24,691 for tests for patients of the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Center in Lviv.

To view a detailed financial report with information on all expenses and receipts, click here.

Thank you for not leaving children and their families alone with a severe illness. We admire each of you’s kindness.

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