Every donation is crucial
DONATE NOWThanks to our donors:
— Children received medicines and other medical supplies and underwent examinations at a total cost of $102,265.
The number of requests for such assistance increased significantly in April. For example, in March, the costs of this program amounted to $71,297. The higher number of requests is because hospitals did not have some medicines purchased at public expense, and Ukrainian pharmacies also do not have them. In such situations, the Foundation’s assistance is almost the only way for families to get the medicines they need.
— 9 hospitals that treat children’s cancer received assistance worth $62,408. Thanks to donors and partners, the Foundation purchases medicines and supplies not only for families but also for children’s oncology departments, thereby increasing their capacity.
— $28,351 was allocated to doctors’ internships and financial support within the program of support and continuous professional development of the medical personnel. 153 medics took part in the program’s activities in April: they attended conferences and observerships abroad and learned English. For children to receive the best possible treatment, medical professionals must continuously learn and have access to the most up-to-date knowledge in their field.
— Tabletochki spent $24,816 on the Foundation’s palliative care program. We do everything we can to make life easier for families with terminally ill children: we buy them medicines and things needed for their care, organize consultations with doctors and psychologists, classes with specially trained dogs and a canine therapist, and, if possible, make their dreams come true. Life, no matter how much of it is left, should be comfortable and painless.
— $9,840 was allocated to outpatient housing in Kyiv and Lviv for non-resident families who no longer need to stay in the hospital but should visit them often for procedures and tests. Outpatient apartments are an important support for families who cannot afford to rent housing on their own.
— Psychological assistance for children and their relatives costs $12,728. The number of wards of this program is also constantly growing. In April, 112 families applied for such assistance — the largest number in 2023-2024. Prolonged stress due to the war and the child’s treatment has its consequences: most of the parents surveyed experience depression and anxiety symptoms. Professional psychologists help them cope with it.
— $10,441 was allocated to the Child Life program. During cancer treatment, children have to stay in the hospital for months and undergo many painful procedures. To endure this, as well as to grow and develop, they need positive emotions. That’s why we organize creative workshops, ceremonial hospital discharges, holidays, and gifts. Cancer cannot put childhood on hold.
— $8,255 — expenses for assistance with household needs for families in difficult life circumstances. If necessary, we help provide food and clothing to families with a child suffering from cancer.
The Foundation’s expenses for raising funds to help children amounted to 10%, and administrative expenses amounted to 5,6%.
You can find a detailed financial report here.
Thank you for supporting families affected by childhood cancer in the most tough times!
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