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5 August 2022

Tabletochki provided $321,651 of support for Ukrainians in June

Tabletochki provided $321,651 of support for Ukrainians in June

Together with donors, we stay with children fighting cancer. Today, they need our support more than ever before.

— Thanks to you, 183 children and their families evacuated to the foreign clinics to continue cancer treatment received material support for $22,588.

— In June, Tabletochki allocated $29,358 to evacuate children with cancer and their families abroad.

— 75 children treated in Ukraine had your support. They received necessary medicines (including foreign medications not available in Ukrainian pharmacies), medical consumables, and procedures.

— $85,833 were spent on targeted assistance to children in Ukraine and financing the purchase of medicines for volunteer initiatives, which provide Ukrainians with necessary medication in wartime.

— $82,141 were allocated to support hospitals (children’s oncology divisions and adult non-oncology hospitals) and the Lviv Regional Blood Services Center. $24,406 of them were spent to assist the hospitals of Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Dnipro, which are close to the frontline – they received medicines, surgical instruments, and surgical headlights.

— $16,207 were allocated to the Foundation’s palliative care program.

— $27,739 were allocated to the program of support and continuous professional development of medical personnel. 31 Ukrainian healthcare professionals received financial aid.

Please, find a detailed report with all income and expenses here.

Thank you to everyone who stays with children and with Ukraine. Together we are strong, which means we will win!

The Foundation’s maintenance expenses in June 2022 were 13.30%.

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