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Every donation is crucial

28 April 2023

Tabletochki provided $303, 557 of support in January

Thanks to our donors:

— 180 children treated in Ukraine received the required medicines and psychological and financial support. They also received help with outpatient housing and lived next to hospitals. 

The expenses of targeted assistance projects were $78,057.

— $79,439 were allocated to supporting Ukrainian hospitals, including improving treatment conditions and purchasing medicines and medical supplies. In particular:

$28,658 was spent on eight patient monitors for the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Center in Lviv. The device records vital signs (pulse, saturation, pressure, breathing rate, etc.), shows them directly on the ward monitor, and transmits the data to the medical post. It greatly facilitates the supervision of patients who require special attention.

— $6,361 was allocated to doctors’ internships and financial support within the program of support and continuous professional development of the medical personnel. 91 medics took part in the program’s activities in January.

— Tabletochki spent $18,527 on the Foundation’s palliative care program. 

— Those children with cancer who could not receive all the required treatment in Ukraine were evacuated abroad. The expenses were $11,695 and included: transfers in Ukraine and abroad, translation of medical documents, and one-time financial assistance that covered costs appearing due to a sudden relocation.

— 168 families of children with cancer being abroad received financial, psychological, and household assistance in the amount of $40,652.

You can find a detailed financial report here.

Thank you for supporting children in their fight against cancer!

The Foundation’s maintenance expenses in January 2023 were 15.1%. The magnification of this expense item is related to the payment of the license and implementation of the SAP Business One accounting system.

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